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Exploring the Diversity of Extrasolar Planets


  1. Long Night of Astronomy – in Berlin and Germany-wide

    Image Credit: LNDA-Website On Saturday, 19th October, the Long Night Of Astronomy takes place all over Germany. Astronomical and Astrophysical institutions open their doors for…

  2. Jan-Vincent Harre successfully defends his thesis

    Join us in congratulating SPP 1992 PhD student Jan-Vincent Harre, who successfully defended his thesis ‘Origins & Orbital Evolution of Hot and Warm Jupiters’ last…

  3. Exoplanets at a teacher training in Dillingen

    From 18th to 20th September, the Lüscher Lectures took place in Dillingen on the Danube at the Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung (Academy for teacher…

  4. Teacher training course at the DLR was a great success

    Many thanks to our member Ruth Titz-Weider for her contribution to this great event!

  5. Long Night of Science in Berlin, 22nd June

    Saturday the 22nd June, countless research institutes all over Berlin will open their doors to the public.

  6. Exoplanets at the ILA 2024

    At the Aeronautics Exhibition in Berlin, members of the SPP 1992 brought exoplanet research to a big audience.

  7. The SPP 1992 Spring School 2024 was a great success

    Many thanks to all participants, tutors and organisers of the 5-day workshop in Kiel!

  8. Stage play & podium discussion “Exoplanet”

    Planets, astronomy, science & its public perception – these are all subjects in a new Berlin new stage play „Exoplanets“. The play accompanies four characters…

  9. Teacher training at DLR on the topic of exoplanets

    For all interested teachers, especially from the STEM subjects, we are offering an afternoon (3 – 6 pm) on 25 June 2024 on the topic of exoplanets and missions.

  10. There are still a few places available at the Spring School in Kiel from 29 April to 3 May.

    The SPP 1992 invites you to the last school in its funding period!

  11. The marvellous world of exoplanets

    Our SPP 1992 member Dr Ruth Titz-Weider will give a talk on Monday, 11.03.2024, at 19:00.

  12. The composition of Mercury and how it relates to exoplanets – DLR Seminar by Olivier Namur

    As part of the SPP 1992 visitor program, Prof. Olivier Namur from the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium, visited the DLR in Berlin from 13th to…

  13. 26th International Microlensing Conference held at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA

    Our SPP 1992 scientist Yiannis Tsapras attended this conference.

  14. SPP 1992 Spring School 2024

    The SPP 1992 invites you to the last school in its funding period!

  15. The European Astrobiology Institute will once again be offering workshops and summer schools this year

    The EAI contributes significantly to the networking of those interested in this field with various events relating to education in the field of astrobiology.

  16. SPP 1992 Final Colloquium 2024

    The meeting will take place from 20 to 22 March in the Harnack-Haus.

  17. Our SPP 1992 member Ludwig Scheibe held a lecture at “Urknall, Weltall und das Leben”

    Topic of the talk: “New worlds around distant stars – the search for the 2nd Earth”

  18. The premiere of our exoplanet show in Hamburg was a great success

    On 15 December 2023, the SPP 1992 celebrated the finalisation of the exoplanet show by the Planetarium in Hamburg.

  19. New Worlds – Distant Planets: A Planetarium Show in Hamburg

    The day is finally here: The SPP 1992, led by coordinator Heike Rauer, has been working diligently for months with the Hamburg and Berlin planetariums…

  20. Exoplanets in Suhl

    Can extreme exoplanets also be habitable?

  21. Exoplanets in Sonneberg

    Among the snow-covered landscape and between fog-shrouded mountain tops around Sonneberg, on 30th November SPP 1992 outreach coordinator Ludwig Scheibe held outreach talks, introducing the…

  22. Resonances in the planetary system HD 110067

    Six planets in resonance in Berenice’s hair

  23. 22nd South Thuringian Astronomical Day(s) 2023

    When: 01.12.2023 16:00 to 02.12.2023 18:00
    Where: Schul- und Volkssternwarte Suhl

  24. Exoplanet Talk at the Community Center “Wolke 14” in Sonneberg

    SPP 1992 outreach coordinator Ludwig Scheibe will hold a talk on the search for exoplanets at the Sonneberg community center “Wolke 14”.

  25. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 2023

    A nationwide teacher training course took place at the Haus der Astronomie from 9 to 11 November 2023

  26. Doctoral Defense of Philipp Baumeister

    On Thursday 09th November, Philipp Baumeister, who was employed by the SPP 1992 in the first funding period, defended his PhD thesis at the TU…

  27. Discovery of 40 jumbo planets in the Orion Nebula

    A surprising find of free-floating pairs of planets has been made with images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. These planets are as massive as Jupiter.

  28. Nationwide teacher training on astronomy by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation

    Our SPP 1992 member Ruth Titz-Weider will give a talk on “PLATO-a new look at exoplanets” on Saturday 11 Nov 2023.

  29. „New Horizons in Physics” – award for SPP 1992 member Til Birnstiel

    For the prediction, discovery, and modeling of dust traps in young circumstellar disks, solving a long-standing problem in planet formation.

  30. Open Day 2023

    On 14 October 2023, the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and the Haus der Astronomie on the Königstuhl will open their doors from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. and offer a varied astronomical programme.

  31. Call for ExoExplorer Applications 2024 by NASA

    Applications are due Thursday, October 12th, 2023 at 6 PM Pacific

  32. 11th Joint Workshop on High Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics (HP4)

    From 25th to 27th September, the 11th Joint Workshop on High-Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics (HP4) is taking place in Rostock.

  33. All the worlds in Berlin – Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 2023

    Last week, from 11th to 15th September, astronomers and space scientists from Germany and beyond gathered in Berlin for the annual assembly of the German…

  34. The JWST makes an exciting discovery on the exoplanet K2-18b.

    Further evidence of a vast ocean and even the possible trace of a substance produced only by organisms on Earth was found.

  35. Our SPP 1992 member at the EAI summer workshop

    Tanja Schumann presented the two posters of the SPP 1992 in Nördlingen

  36. Paper Time

    Our SPP scientist Jan-Vincent Harre led a publication to the topic
    “The Orbit of Warm Jupiter WASP-106 b is aligned with its Star”

  37. Planets gathering in Berlin – Meeting of the German Astronomical Society

    11th to 15th September

  38. Universe on tour

    Bielefeld 6 – 10 September 2023
    Jahnplatz, 33602 Bielefeld

  39. Podcast about exoplanets for the Kinderuni Weil der Stadt

    Our SPP 1992 member Ruth Titz-Weider gave a talk about “The wonderful world of exoplanets”.

  40. Brightest planet in the universe observed

    Until now, Venus was considered the strongest “mirror” in space. But a newly discovered exoplanet clearly tops it even more.

  41. The SPP 1992 has a new poster

    Our artist Patricia Klein has prepared for the SPP 1992 a new poster to illustrate its various scientific contributions.

  42. Planetarium show about exoplanets with SPP 1992 participation

    Premiere on 27 October 2023 in Hamburg

  43. Universe on Tour

    Oldenburg 23 – 27 August 2023
    Schlossplatz, 26122 Oldenburg

  44. Exoplanets: Worlds Far Away and Strange

    For the 25th time, the Space Camp took place in Berlin.

  45. Universe on tour

    Dortmund 16 – 20 August 2023
    Park der Partnerstädte, Schmiedingstraße 27, 44137 Dortmund


  46. GJ 367 b has company

    Discovery of two additional low-mass planets at 11.5 and 34 days.

  47. Universe on tour

    Bonn 9 – 13 August 2023
    Hofgartenwiese, Hofgarten, 53113 Bonn

  48. The SPP 1992 Summer School 2023 was a great success

    Many thanks to all participants, tutors and organisers of the 5-day workshop in Rauenberg!

  49. A warm welcome to Germany, Prof. Dr. M.B.N. Kouwenhoven

    Prof. Dr. M.B.N. (Thijs) Kouwenhoven uses the Visitor Program of the SPP 1992 for a stay in Germany from August 4-25, 2023.

  50. New illustrations by Patricia Klein

    Our artist Patricia Klein has prepared for the SPP 1992 new illustrations of various exoplanets.

  51. EXOWORLD Presents: A Short Course on Writing Better Research Papers and Proposals

    Online workshop by Artie Hatzes
    2. November (morning and afternoon) to 3. November 2023

  52. Our SPP 1992 members at the roadshow in Heidelberg

    Impressions from the Raodshow Heidelberg, which took place from 19 to 23 July.

  53. SPP 1992 visitor program

    The SPP 1992 offers funding for a visitor program, where either you host external researchers visiting your group, or you yourselves visit another institution for some time.

  54. Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society in Berlin

    Splinter Meeting Exoplanets – Exploring the diversity of extrasolar planets

  55. Universe on tour

    Heidelberg 19 – 23 July 2023
    Universitätsplatz, 69117 Heidelberg
    Some of our SPP 1992 members will be on site to give lectures, present our poster and answer questions.

  56. Teacher Training Astronomy Jena

    Our SPP 1992 member Ludwig Scheibe will give a talk on “New worlds around distant stars – The exploration of extrasolar planets” on 11 July at 16:30.
    Location: Hörsaal 1, Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena

  57. Unknown Worlds: Distant planets between imagination and science

    Podium discussion Thursday 06.07.2023 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
    Guest: Prof. Dr. Heike Rauer

  58. Universe on tour

    Munich 05 – 09 July 2023
    Platz am Bavariapark
    Our SPP 1992 member Alexandre Emsenhuber will be there to present our poster.


  59. Teacher’s training – „News from the exoplanet world“

    SPP-coordination team member Ruth Titz-Weider organized a teacher training course in Berlin.

  60. The SPP 1992 has new flyers!

    Our goal is to increase outreach and highlight our many contributions to the exoplanet science field.

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