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Open Day 2023

On 14 October 2023, the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and the Haus der Astronomie on the Königstuhl will open their doors from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. and offer a varied astronomical programme.

Additional participants are the Landessternwarte Königstuhl, the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, the Klaus Tschira Foundation, die Forscherstation (Klaus-Tschira-Kompetenzzentrum für frühe naturwissenschaftliche Bildung) and other partners.

Lectures and hands-on stations will focus on new astronomical findings – from the formation of our galaxy and our solar system to planets around other stars. Our scientists will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Laboratories and workshops show how astronomical instruments are made and the special demands of working on the largest ground-based telescopes in the world or on space telescopes.

The scientists will also give you an impression of the international environment at the MPIA. Astronomers from dozens of countries work together at MPIA and in this way enrich research.

An exciting and entertaining programme in the House of Astronomy will be offered. For the younger visitors an astronomical children’s programme is prepared.

Find more information here.

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