Karl-Schwarschild Lecture
The Astronomische Gesellschaft has decided to honour
Prof. Dr. Charles H. Townes (Berkeley, USA)
(Biographical data)
for his outstanding contributions to astrophysics by awarding to him the
Karl-Schwarzschild-Medal for the year 2002.
It is part of this celebration, that the laureate is giving a lecture:
the Karl-Schwarzschild-Vorlesung. The title of the lecture by
Prof. Townes will be
The Behavior of Stars Observed by Infrared Interferometry
The Karl-Schwarzschild-Medal is the highest
ranked annual prize of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, first awarded to
Martin Schwarzschild, 1959
(List of previous
Karl-Schwarzschild medal winners). The celebration of the Schwarzschild-Medal is
traditionally part of the opening ceremony of the annual meeting of the
Astronomische Gesellschaft.
Ludwig Biermann Preis
The Astronomische Gesellschaft has decided to award the
Ludwig Biermann Förderpreis
for the year 2002 as travel sponsorship to
Dr. Ralf S. Klessen (Potsdam)
for his importent work about stellar formation, structure and
turbulence of interstellar clouds.
It is part of the award, that the awardee is giving a talk.
The talk this year will be:
From Clouds to Stars: The Formation of Stellar Clusters