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TU Berlin

Hot Solar System Plasmas (SS2023)

  • Summer semester 2023
  • Time: Fridays 10-12 (weekly)
  • Begins: Friday 21.04.2021
  • Place: Room EW 246 (In presence lecture)
  • Lecturers: Dr. Jan Benáček and Dr. Patricio Muñoz
  • For any inquiry please contact us: and/or
  • TU course number: 3251 L 100VL
  • TU ISIS link:
  • TU MOSES link:
  • FU course number: 20116901
  • FU link:
  • Eligible lecture of the modules: Experimentelle Astrophysik 9 or 12 LP or Theoretische Astrophysik 9 or 12 LP (TU Physics / Master) ; Advanced Astronomy and Astrophysics 9 or 12 LP (FU Physics / Master).
  • Contents: Magnetic activity of the Sun and Stars; Stellar and Solar eruptions; Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections; Charged particle motion; Gyration; Magnetic traps; Magnetic Reconnection; Plasma waves; Shocks; Particle Acceleration to High Energies; The Solar Wind; Earth Magnetospheres and Radiation Belts; Planetary Magnetospheres; Space Weather
  • Requirements: Basic knowledge in Physics and Mathematics. B.Sc. Module „Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik“ advised. Open also for all students with interest in astronomy and astrophysics.


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