Lecture: Space and Astrophysical Plasma Simulation (WS 2021-22)
- Winter semester 2021-22
- Time: Fridays 10-12 (weekly)
- Begins: Friday 22.10.2021
- Place: Online lecture (via Zoom)
- Lecturer: Dr. Patricio Muñoz
- In order to participate, please send an e-mail with your Matriculation number (TU, FU, etc.) to Dr. Patricio Muñoz (pmunoz
astro.physik.tu-berlin.de). For any inquiry please use the same contact e-mail address.
- TU course number: 3251 L 10210
- TU ISIS link: https://isis.tu-berlin.de/course/view.php?id=27480
- TU MOSES link: https://moseskonto.tu-berlin.de/moses/verzeichnis/veranstaltungen/verans...
- FU course number: 20122101
- FU link: https://www.fu-berlin.de/vv/de/lv/692319
- TU Module (Master/Physics): Either "Theoretische Astrophysik" or "Experimentelle Astrophysik". This lecture has to be combined with at least one Praktikum and optionally with another lecture in order to get credits (2 lectures + 1 Praktikum = 12 credit points, 1 lecture + 1 Praktikum = 9 credit points). Info about the lectures/practical courses that can be chosen: https://www-astro.physik.tu-berlin.de/node/531
- FU Module (Master/Physics): "Advanced Astronomy and Astrophysics". This lecture has to be combined with at least one Praktikum and optionally with another lecture in order to get credits (2 lectures + 1 Praktikum = 12 credit points). List of lectures and practical courses that can be chosen: https://www.fu-berlin.de/vv/de/lv/692319. More info about those other lectures: https://www-astro.physik.tu-berlin.de/node/532
- Open also for all students with interest in astronomy and astrophysics.
- Contents: Partial differential equations of space and astrophysical plasma simulations. Types of equations: elliptic / hyperbolic / parabolic PDEs; Discretization methods (Finite differences; Finite elements, Spectral methods); Algorithms (Eulerian, Lagrangian); Approaches (test particles, Magnetohydrodynamic; PIC, Vlasov, reduced kinetics)
- Requirements: Basic knowledge in Physics and Mathematics. B.Sc. Module „Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik“ advised.