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TU Berlin

Seminar: Ausgewählte Themen der Astrophysik

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. D. Breitschwerdt
Time: Friday 14-18, Place: Eugene-Paul-Wigner-Gebäude der TU, Hardenbergstr. 36, EW 114, Begin: 2020-04-24 (weekly)
Language: German


Online seminar! For further information see the Notes on emergency operation.


Berichte über laufende Forschungsarbeiten und Fortschritte im Bereich Astronomie und Astrophysik.


Student talks supervised by professors and research assistants.

Target group:

Studierende im Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomstudiengang.

Das Seminar ist für Mitglieder der Arbeitsgruppe Astrophysik.

Friday 2020-04-24 14 Semesterbeginn: Seminar-Vorbesprechung
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-05-15 14 Lilla Vano: Carbon content and transport in plasmas of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-05-22 14 Yeon Joo Lee: Venus' puzzling clouds
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-06-05 14 Frederik Berberich: Numerical studies on the magnetic field structure in the vicinity of superbubbles and the impact of the magnetic field on their dynamical evolution
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-06-12 14 Xin Yao: Modification of electron distributions allowing radioastronomical diagnostics of magnetic reconnection
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-06-19 14 Felix Pollak: Investigation of Antarctic Micrometeorites and Analysis of their Radionuclide Composition and Cosmic Lifetimes
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-06-26 15 Amir Chatraee: Current sheet diagnostics
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-07-03 14 Maurice Künicke: Calculating stellar Orbits: A comparison between the theory of epicycles and numerical integrator in GalPy
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-07-03 15 Philipp Nelde: Influence of Systematic Errors on the Electron Density and Temperature Measured with Thomson Scattering at W7-X
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-07-10 14 Thomas Garmatter: Modellierung der zirkumstellaren Staubhülle des extremen C-Sterns IRAS 07077+1536
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-07-10 15 Annabelle Spanier: Characterisation of Neutral Beam Injection into the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-07-17 14 Lucía Navarro: Searches for Dark Matter using Run-2 data from the ATLAS detector
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-07-17 15 Illés Lohay: Interior dynamics and thermal evolution of Mars
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference
Friday 2020-07-24 14 Antonius Otto: Magnetic Reconnection
The seminar takes place as a ZOOM video conference

Zusatzinformationen / Extras