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TU Berlin

Space and Astrophysical Plasma Simulation

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. J. Büchner (verantwortlich), Dr. P. Munoz Sepulveda
Time: Friday 10-12, Place: Eugene-Paul-Wigner-Gebäude der TU, Hardenbergstr. 36, EW 809/10, Begin: 2019-10-18 (weekly)
Language: English/German


Partial differential equations of space and astrophysical plasma simulations. Types of equations: elliptic / hyperbolic / parabolic PDEs; Discretization methods (Finite differences; Finite elements, Spectral methods); Algorythmus (Eulerian, Lagrangian) Approaches (test particles, Magnetohydrodynamic; PI, Vlasov, reduced kinetics)


Basic knowledge in Physics and Mathematics. Knowledge of the physics / B.Sc. Module Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik advised


Two-hour lecture

Target group:

Eligible lecture of the module „Advanced Astronomy and Astrophysics“ (Physics / Master). Open also for all students with interest in astronomy and astrophysics.


Die Vorlesung findet in institutseigenen Räumen statt: EW 809/810.

Zusatzinformationen / Extras