Controlled thermonuclear fusion - from the stars to the laboratory
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. H.-S. Bosch
Time: Thursday 12-16, Place: Hauptgebäude der TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, H 3003A, Begin: 2018-04-19 (biweekly)
Language: English/German
Different schemes, partly even exotic ones, have been investigated over the time. On earth there are basically two possibilities to generate thermonuclear fusion with a positive energy balance.
Inertial fusion is based on the ignition of a small fuel pellet. For a short moment the plasma pressure is balanced by the inertia of the fuel mass itself. To avoid hydrodynamic instabilities the energy has to be supplied very symmetrically.
Magnetic fusion is based on the stationary confinement of a fusion plasma by strong magnetic fields. In contrast to inertial fusion which produces conditions similar to those in the core of the sun, magnetic fusion requires significantly higher temperatures of about 100 Mio Kelvin. However, the plasma pressure lies only in the range of a few atmospheres.
Starting from the description of the fusion processes in the stars, the possibilities to employ fusion as an energy source are discussed. Besides magnetic and inertial fusion energy, we will also treat more exotic concepts, like neutron-free reactors, myon-induced fusion and the so-called “cold Fusion”.
Basic knowledge in Physics and Mathematics.
Two-hour lecture
Target group:
Wählbare begleitende Vorlesung als Teil des Moduls Astronomie und Astrophysik im Masterstudiengang.
Hinweis: Das Modul erfordert zusätzlich eine weitere Vorlesung sowie einen astrophysikalischen Leistungsnachweis.
ECTS: 12 Leistungspunkte für das Gesamtmodul.
Sonstige Studierende mit Interesse an Astronomie und Astrophysik.
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