Observational astrophysics
Lecturer: Dr. S. Csizmadia (DLR)
Time: Monday 14-16, Place: Eugene-Paul-Wigner-Gebäude der TU, Hardenbergstr. 36, EW 184, Begin: 2013-04-08 (weekly)
Language: English/German
Basic observational astrometry: photometry, spectroscopy, spectrophotometry, polarimetry, etc. Astronomical constants. Astronomical objects at different wavelengths from X-ray to radio. Data reduction methods and available software tools. Determination of stellar and planetary parameters. Binary and exoplanetary modelling tools and softwares. Stellar clusters and cluster memberships. Usage of stellar evolutionary models in stellar parameter determination. Binary stars and pulsating variables as tools to measure stellar / cosmologial distances.
Knowledge of physics and mathematics, and of the Physics/B.Sc. module Grundlagen der Astronomie und Astrophysik advised.
Two-hour lecture
Target group:
Wählbare begleitende Vorlesung als Teil des Moduls Astronomie und Astrophysik im Master-Studiengang. Hinweis: Das Modul erfordert zusätzlich eine weitere begleitende Vorlesung sowie einen astrophysikalischen Praktikumsschein. ECTS: 12 Leistungspunkte für das Gesamtmodul. Sonstige Studierende mit Interesse an Astronomie und Astrophysik.
April 8. Introduction; sources of information on stars and galaxies etc. (direction: astrometry, intensity: spectroscopy + photometry, orientation: polarimetry; particle radiation) ; the electromagnetic spectrum; basics of definitions, radiometry, photometry, and electromagnetic radiations.
April 15. - (Travel)
April 22. Astrophisical parameters of stars; naming of stars; catalogues of stars, nebulae, open and globular clusters, galaxies, asteroids, comets, exoplanets, peculiar objects; special catalogues (astrometric, polarimetric, photometric, radial velocities, spectroscopic, surveys, papers and books); catalogue of catalogues (SIMBAD)
April 29. System of astronomical constants. Astrometric reduction of your data.
Mai 13. Spectroscopic data: introduction to spectroscopy; observational settings; data reduction steps; wavelength-calibration; radial velocity templates and measurements; spectroscopic parameters; spectral and luminosity classes; relationship between spectral/luminosity classes and photometric colours; reddening correction.
Mai 20. - (Pentecost)
Mai 27. Polarimetry; Faraday-rotation; measurement of magnetic fields via polarimetry/spectroscopy/ Zeeman-effect; spectrophotometry. Applications. magnetic fields of stars and magnetic breaking in binary systems.
Juni 3. Stellar clusters; membership criteria. Distance measurements via clusters, isochrones, eclipsing/pulsating stars in and outside the Galaxy. Stars and planets through the electromagnetic spectrum.
Juni 10. Light curve modeling of exoplanets and binary stars I.
Juni 17. Light curve modeling of exoplanets and binary stars II.
Juni 24. Determination of true (absolute) dimensions of stars, exoplanets from observational data. isochrone-fitting; asteroseismology; basic idea of BLENDER; basic idea of TTV-technique; reflected light; others.