Physik und Chemie von Planetenatmosphären
Lecturer: Dr. J. L. Grenfell (DLR)
Time: Tuesday 14-16, Place: Eugene-Paul-Wigner-Gebäude der TU, Hardenbergstr. 36, EW 114, Begin: 2012-04-10 (weekly)
Language: English/German
Atmospheres. Numerical Models. Climate. Photochemistry. Modern Earth. Early Earth. Terrestrial Planets. Moons. Exoplanets. Biomarkers. Habitability.
Grundkenntnisse in Physik und Mathematik, Kenntnis der Vorlesung Grundlagen der Astronomie und Astrophysik erwünscht.
Two-hour lecture
Target group:
Postgraduate lecture on astronomy and astrophysics. Advanced lecture of the module Advanced Astronomy and Astrophysics (Physics/Master). Open also for all students with interest in astronomy and astrophysics.