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TU Berlin

Hot plasmas in the universe

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. R. Wolf
Time: Tuesday 12-16, Place: Eugene-Paul-Wigner-Gebäude der TU, Hardenbergstr. 36, EW 809/10, Begin: 2011-10-18 (biweekly)
Language: English/German


Change of location: The lecture takes place in Room EW 809/10 (CMC).


The major part of the visible matter in the universe consists of plasma. Plasma states range from relativistic plasma jets, thin hot plasmas of the interstellar medium, and dense hot plasmas in the centre of stars, to terrestrial plasmas such as the aurora borealis or lightning. Extreme plasma states similar to those in the universe, also can be replicated in laboratory plasmas.

The lecture introduces the basics of high temperature plasma physics. By means of examples (interstellar medium, nuclear fusion in stars, solar wind, laboratory plasmas, etc.) the properties of plasmas will be explained (characterization of plasmas, particle motion, fluid description, plasma transport, plasma waves). This knowledge also can be used to develop measurement techniques for determining plasma properties. At the end of the lecture a visit to the fusionexperiment Wendelstein 7-X, at present under construction in Greifswald, will be organized.


Knowledge of physics and mathematics.


Biweekly four-hour lecture (2 SWS).

Target group:

Postgraduate lecture on astronomy and astrophysics. Advanced lecture of the module Advanced Astronomy and Astrophysics (Physics/Master). Open also for all students with interest in astronomy and astrophysics.

Zusatzinformationen / Extras