Astrophysical practical course
Lecturer: D. Kitzmann
Time: Wednesday 14-18, Place: Physikgebäude der FU, Takustr. 3a, Praktikumsräume in der Takustraße 3a, Begin: 2010-04-14 (weekly)
Language: English/German
Classification of stars, RV method, rotation of the Sun, stellar spectroscopy, observation with telescopes, astronomical systems of coordinates, galactic rotation curve, properties of eclipsing binaries, light curves of dwarf novae.
Knowledge of the Physics/B.Sc. module Grundlagen der Astronomie und Astrophysik advised.
Teamwork (small groups) on different astronomical topics.
Target group:
Postgraduate practical course on astronomy and astrophysics. Practical part of the module Advanced Astronomy and Astrophysics (Physics/Master). One can choose - if possible - between the PR Astrophysical practical course and PR Numerical course in astrophysics.
Open also for all students with interest in astronomy and astrophysics. (Note: empowering to participate is limited!)
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Anmeldung erfolgt per E-Mail an ab dem 01.04.2010 unter Angabe des Termins (FU, Mi 14-18 Uhr)