Stellar Evolution On The Asypmtotic Giant Branch
Thorsten Arndt
Studienarbeit, Technische Universität Berlin, 1994
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This work treats the possible ways of describing stellar evolution. The deciding feature for the future evolution is found in the stellar mass, therefore the first chapter presents the different, mass dependent paths of stellar evolution. Combining the obtainable informations by observations, with the insights of stellar models allows to gain a general view.
Entwicklung von Sternen am asypmtotischen Riesenast
Thorsten Arndt
Studienarbeit, Technische Universität Berlin, 1994
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Two-fluid models for stationary dust driven winds: I. Momentum and energy balance
D. Krüger, A. Gauger, and E. Sedlmayr
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 290, 573-589 (1994)
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Self-consistent two-fluid models of stationary dust driven winds around cool C-stars have been calculated. The dust and the gas component are coupled by the condensation of dust from the gas phase and grain-gas collisions and are described by separate sets of equations.
Circumstellar Dust Shell around Long-Period Variables: II. Theoretical lightcurves of C-stars
J.M. Winters, A.J. Fleischer, A. Gauger and E. Sedlmayr
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 290, 623-633 (1994)
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Theoretical lightcurves of long-period and Mira variables are presented.
Das Licht der Astronomen -- Eine Reflexion
Erwin Sedlmayr
Sterne und Weltraum, 12/94, 866-870 (1994)
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Theoretical Spectra of Circumstellar Dust Shells around Carbon-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
J.M. Winters, C. Dominik and E. Sedlmayr
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 288, 255-272 (1994)
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Realistic modelling of circumstellar dust shells around evolved stars has to include a physical treatment of the interaction among hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, radiative transfer, chemistry and dust formation and -growth.
Internal Structure and Optical Appearance of Circumstellar Dust Shells around Cool Carbon Giants
J.M. Winters
Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin, 1994
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Cool late-type giant stars represent important stages in the evolution of low and intermediate mass stars. These objects generally are surrounded by extended circumstellar dust shells accompanied by considerable mass loss.
Internal Structure and Optical Appearance of Circumstellar Dust Shells around Cool Carbon Giants
J.M. Winters
Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin, 1994
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Kühle Riesensterne späten Typs repräsentieren wichtige Stadien in der Entwicklung von Sternen mittlerer und geringer Masse. Diese Objekte sind im allgemeinen von ausgedehnten zirkumstellaren Staubhüllen (ZSH) umgeben, die zu beträchtlichen Massenverlusten führen.
Hydrodynamics and Dust Formation in the Circumstellar Shells of Miras and Long-Period Variables
A.J. Fleischer
Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin, 1994
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