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TU Berlin

Dust Driven Winds

E. Sedlmayr and C. Dominik

Astrophysics & Space Science, Vol. 73, 211-272 (1995)

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The status of dust driven winds, constituting an important subclass of essentially radiation generated winds, is surveyed. Dust driven winds are conceived as a long lasting phenomenon of heavy mass loss concerning those luminous cool giants and supergiants, where dust condensation in the expanding flow determines both the stellar mass loss rate and the subsonic-supersonic transition of the velocity field. Our contribution aims at a selfconsistent description of the dynamical shell structure with particular emphasis to the theoretical aspects of this important phenomenon. Thus, not only the complex coupling of the various ingredients (hydrodynamics, chemistry, radiative transfer, dust nucleation and growth) is outlined in detail, but also general arguments regarding the overall structure of such winds and the expected position of their central objects in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram are conducted. A selected typical selfconsistent model for a stationary C-star
shell demonstrates the characteristic wind structure and gives insight into the close nonlinear interplay between dust formation and wind generation. During the late evolutionary stages of a star along the AGB dust driven mass loss provides a natural self-accelerating mechanism which easily can produce very high mass loss rates, an effect which possibly might play an important role for the Tip-AGB objects and the AGB-PN-transition.

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