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TU Berlin

Time-dependent behavior of cool star winds

P. Woitke

in: Cyclical Variability in Stellar Winds, eds. L.Kaper and A.W.Fullerton, ESO Astrophysics symposia, Springer, p.278--288

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The present status of time-dependent modeling of the circumstellar envelopes of cool pulsating stars on the AGB is reviewed. Such model calculations nowadays investigate the complex interplay between hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, dust formation and radiative transfer. We report on the scientific insight provided by such models and show the physical mechanisms which control the dynamical behavior of these envelopes and drive the massive winds of these stars. The common results as well as the contrary aspects obtained by different groups are summarized and discussed. Observational and theoretical constraints on the temperature structure in these winds are outlined which allow for some important conclusions concerning the wind driving mechanism.

Zusatzinformationen / Extras