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Broadcast on the topic of life on other worlds on Forum Wissenswerte.

On February 5, you will find a broadcast of the talk by Stefan Gotthold, Prof. Dr. Katja Poppenhäger and Prof. Dr. Heike Rauer (our SPP 1992 coordinator) on the topic of life on other worlds on Forum Wissenswerte.

Credit: rbb radio

It is a deep and ancient longing of mankind: We are not alone, somewhere out there in the universe there is life. This idea is as exciting as it is fascinating. And it inspires science fiction authors as well as modern science: whether astronomers, astrophysicists or astrobiologists.

We already know about 5,000 exoplanets – planets in a star system similar to our sun. Will we find any of these planets that are similar to Earth? Is there also the possibility for the development of life elsewhere? The James Webb space telescope provides breathtaking images from the depths of the universe. Will this also soon provide answers to the question of our origin?

The search for life on exoplanets – that is the topic of Forum Wissenswerte, a cooperation between rbb24 Inforadio and the Technology Foundation Berlin.

The conversation with Stefan Gotthold, Prof. Dr. Katja Poppenhäger (member of the SPP 1992) and Prof. Dr. Heike Rauer (coordinator of the SPP 1992) will be broadcast on February 5, 2023 at 11:03 a.m. and 8:03 p.m. and will later be available as a podcast on the rbb24 Inforadio website and in the ARD Audiothek.

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