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Long Night of Science in Berlin, 22nd June

Saturday the 22nd June, countless research institutes all over Berlin will open their doors to the public.

At the Institute of Planet Research of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), riveting exhibiton pieces related, among other things, to space telescopes like the upcoming PLATO mission are presented. Also, veterans of our research network SPP-1992, particularly Ruth Titz-Weider, Jan-Vincent Harre and Ludwig Scheibe, will give layman-friendly talks (in German) on different facets of exoplanets as part of the “News from planet research” series. You’ll find it at Rutherfordtraße 2.

The FU Berlin is also presenting exoplanets: The event “Außerirdischer Spaß”, primarily aimed at children, offers a variety of opportunities to get to know other worlds through game and play, among them a planet memory featuring some of the pictures by the SPP 1992. You can also learn about processes in Earth’s interior, and the impacts of meteors there. It takes place in FU Berlin’s Silberlaube, Fabeckstraße 25.

Tickets and more info on the varied program during the Science Night can be found here:

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