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Open Problems in the Astrophysics of Gas Giants

Since the beginning of the exploration of exoplanets, gas giants have played an outsized role in the field.

Despite the robust rate of discovery and characterization many of their properties have yet to be satisfactorily accounted for by formation and evolution scenarios.

Even in our solar system we are still learning about some of their fundamental properties such as interior structure.

In this workshop, to be held in Chilean Patagonia, we will focus on discussing open problems in the astrophysics of gas giants,

dwelling on both the input from observational efforts and the theoretical frameworks required to tackle them.

Some of the questions we will address are: How can the obliquities of gas giants be explained in terms of their dynamics and formation?

How do giant planets manage to form around low mass stars? How are wide orbit gas giants formed?

To what extent can atmospheric abundances constrain formation pathways? How can we learn about the interior of giant planets from remote observations and what do they tell us about planet formation mechanisms?

Scientific Organizing Committee:

Rafael Brahm (UAI), Bekki Dawson (Penn State), Néstor Espinoza (STScI), Thomas Henning (MPIA), Andrés Jordán (UAI), Yamila Miguel (Leiden), Ruth Murray-Clay (UCSC), Cristóbal Petrovich (PUC).

Find more information here.

Chile, Hotel Remota, Puerto Natales, Patagonia
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