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German Community PLATO Meeting

In only few years from now (end 2026), ESA´s M3 mission PLATO will be launched to discover and characterize extrasolar planets for their radii, masses and ages, as well as to study a very large set of stars using asteroseismology.
Some of you are already involved in the mission consortium. As the launch date gets closer, additional scientists active at research institutions in Germany may like to take part in future PLATO activities, either as a consortium member, via the analysis of public data, or participating to complementary science projects.
We plan to organize a meeting to inform the community in Germany about PLATO and to establish a platform to get to know each other and exchange plans for future preparatory and science exploitation of PLATO data.
Please save the date April 17/18, 2023 for a “German Community PLATO Meeting”.
Location: DLR, Berlin-Adlershof
Registration will open February 10.
More information will follow soon.
Berlin, DLR, Institut für Planetenforschung Rutherfordstr. 2
2:00 pm – 1:00 pm
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