One of the most exciting recent discoveries in astronomy is the existence of a huge variety of extrasolar planets orbiting other stars, including numerous multi-planet systems. Exoplanets can be very different to those planets found in our Solar System and range from the so-called “Hot Jupiter” and “mini-Neptune” gas planets to large rocky planets (“super”-Earths). Linking observational methods for planet detection and characterization with theory and numerical modeling is key to understanding the diversity and complexity of exoplanets.

Different international projects such as CARMENES, NGTS, GAIA, CHEOPS, K2, TESS, JWST and in future ARIEL, PLATO (will) provide a wealth of observational data that will lead to the detection of new exoplanets, an improved characterization of already known exoplanets and its host stars as well as spectra of exoplanetary atmospheres. Theoretical research on exoplanets covering numerical modeling of planetary interiors, atmospheres, and planet formation utilizes the observations to facilitate further insights into the classification and evolution of exoplanetary systems.
The goal of the AG 2023 splinter meeting “Exploring the diversity of extrasolar planets” is to bring together the German exoplanet community from observation and theory to address these major research questions:
- What does the diversity of exoplanets tell us about their formation processes and the evolution of planets and planetary systems?
- What can we learn about the astrophysical conditions necessary to harbor life and are these conditions common in our Milky Way?
The splinter meeting welcomes all contributions that analyze and interpret already available or upcoming exoplanet data. The meeting will be a combination of invited talks presenting a review of the links between observational and theoretical efforts as well as contributed talks highlighting recent advances.
Find more about here.