From 14th to 16th March, we held our annual All-hands-on-deck meeting, this time at the LMU in Munich. Around 50 researchers met in person, with roughly 15 people joining online to discuss recent developments exoplanet research. In 30 talks and 6 posters, results from various SPP research projects as well as related fields of planetary science were presented. These three days brought the community of the SPP together once more for an enriching exchange of ideas, spearheaded by the three keynote talks from Karan Molaverdikhani, Joanna Drążkowska, and Ekatarina Ilin. A particular highlight was the Social Event at the ESO Supernova Centre in Garching, where we visited their interactive “Living Universe” Exhibition on all things astrophysical and watched the exciting planetarium show “Distant Worlds – Alien Life”; followed by a conference dinner at the Garchinger Augustiner. Furthermore, on Thursday afternoon, the participants came together in a series of small-group roundtable discussions in order to brainstorm ideas for a planetarium show focused on exoplanet research – stay tuned for more 😉
On Monday and Friday last week, the SPP’s early career scientists gathered for their own Young Researchers’ Retreat. On Monday, professional presentation coach Constanze von Rheinbaben led an interactive workshop on sotrytelling and presentation technique, while on Friday the young researchers brainstormed future retreat & workshop ideas and continued networking informally.
We thank all the participants and organizers for this all-around successfull meeting. Some impressions of the event can be found below.