University professor in plasma Astrophysics
The Technische Universität Berlin intends to fill the post of
University professor in Plasma Astrophysics, W2
(Ref. No. II-776),
in its Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics. The post is a joint appointment (S-Professur) within the framework of a co-operation agreement between the Technische Universität Berlin and the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (Garching and Greifswald).
The scientific focus of the appointment lies in the research area of plasma-astrophysics (high temperature plasmas, cold plasmas, relativistic plasmas and interaction with high energy particles, space plasmas, spectroscopy, laboratory astrophysics). It is expected that the successful candidate will represent the discipline in research and be active in acquiring contract funding. He or she will also be involved in the Bachelor and Masters teaching programme of the Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics. The teaching duties involve five hours a week (5 SWS).
Candidates must fulfill the requirements for university professorship appointments according to §100 of the Berliner Hochschulgesetz (BerlHG), and should have teaching experience and an outstanding research record in the field of plasma-astrophysics (with expertise in at least one or several of the abovementioned research areas).
The closing date for receipt of applications: 08/31/2010
The Technische Universität Berlin wishes to ensure equal opportunity empoyment for men and women; it therefore specifically invites women with the above qualifications to apply for this post. Seriously handicapped persons with equal qualifications will be given preference.
Written applications with the usual documentation should be sent to the
President of theTechnische Universität Berlin
Fakultät II - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Geschäftsstelle Physik
Sekr. EW 2-1
Hardenbergstraße 36
10623 Berlin.