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TU Berlin

Astrophysikalisches Seminar

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. D. Breitschwerdt
Time: Tuesday 16-18, Place: Eugene-Paul-Wigner-Gebäude der TU, Hardenbergstr. 36, EW 114, Begin: 2011-04-12 (weekly)
Language: English/German

Der kosmische Materiekreislauf
Aktuelle Forschungsgebiete



Selected topics about Astronomy and Astrophysics.


Knowledge of the Physics/B.Sc. module Grundlagen der Astronomie und Astrophysik. Participation as possible of practical courses and / or advanced lectures.


Talks by students. Supported by professors and assistants.

The duration of a presentation (incl. discussion) should be at least 45 minutes but should not exceed 90 minutes. The amount of covered topics is less crucial than the evidence for the understanding of physical relations. In case of questions during the preparation, seminar participants should consult their responsible supervisors in time. The actual form of the presentation (Powerpoint, LaTeX, overhead slides, blackboard) is optional for the participants.

The evaluation of the seminar presentations is based on following criteria:

  • Clarity of the slides and presentation style
  • Knowledge of the topic
  • Ability to answer questions in the subsequent discussion

The weighting is 50:30:20 in the order of the criteria above. A handout is not required!

Please use only reliable sources. We don't want to see "Wikipedia talks"!

Target group:

Students acquiring a seminar certificate. Open for all students with interest in astronomy and astrophysics.


Theoretical topics based on research areas of the ZAA which are suitable for entry into a bachelor's or master's thesis.

Tuesday 2011-04-12 16 Semesterbeginn: Vorbesprechung und Themenvergabe
Tuesday 2011-05-24 16 Steffan Wojahn: The Galactic center massive black hole and nuclear star cluster
Tuesday 2011-06-07 16 Matthias Rampke: Beobachtung und Theorie der ultrahochenergetischen kosmischen Strahlung
Tuesday 2011-06-21 16 Ssohrab Borhanian: Galaktische Winde
Tuesday 2011-06-28 16 J. Wirsich: Vorläufer von Typ Ia Supernovae
Tuesday 2011-07-05 16 Markus Rausch: Magnetische Rekonnektion

Zusatzinformationen / Extras